The code 39 FULL ASCII option allows the transmission of the 128 ASCII characters.
Each ASCII character is a combination of two code 39 character. It can be very be use full specially
to transmit control characters (STX, ETX, TAB, EOT…..) as PREAMBLES or POSTAMBLES in
a message (see appendix 2). The code 39 FULL ASCII Table is listed in appendix 13.
To choose 2 lengths 10 and 12 characters
-1 Scan "Setting Length N°1"
-2 Scan decimal values "1" and "0" in Appendix A
-3 Scan "End of Setting"
-4 Scan "Setting Length N°2"
-5 Scan decimal values "1" and "2" in Appendix A
-6 Scan "End of Setting"
Variable Length (Check Digit Modulo 10 verified)
* Start/Stop 6 barres
* Check Digit not verified
* Check Digit not transmitted
Setting Length N° 1
Setting Length N° 3
Start/Stop 4 barres
Check Digit Modulo 10 verified
Check Digit transmitted
Setting Length N° 2
End of Setting
Auro 2908