EUROPE: +44 (0) 1451 861 562 AUSTRALIA: +61 (0) 7 3274 2077 USA: (+1) 844 287 6300
Vary brush, travel and engine speeds to match sweeping conditions.
Dirt and Gravel
To keep dust to a minimum try to plan sweeping for overcast or humid days or after it has rained.
Always try to use the sweeper with the wind at your back.
On hard surfaces a low brush speed and moderate travel speed required.
When sweeping gravel use just enough brush speed to roll the gravel not throw it.
Heavy Debris
A slow travel speed is required.
Sweep a path less than the full width of the sweeper.
Increased engine speed may be required if debris becomes very heavy.
During Use
Always carry the sweeper low to the ground to ensure good operator visibility.
Avoid excessive downward pressure on the brush and jockey wheels to prevent excessive wear.
Do not sweep hot material of any kind.
Emptying the bucket
Empty the bucket by raising the sweeper above the container, using the tilt controls to tilt the sweeper forwards
the sweeper cover will open and the debris will be discharged.