Corrective Action
Disc does not play back - Disc is warped or scratched
- Disc is dirty or wet
- Laser pickup is dirty
- Incompatible disc is used
- Disc rating exceeds Parental
Lock rating limit
- Disc region code is not compati-
ble with unit
- Disc is inserted upside down
- Use disc in good condition
- Clean disc with soft cloth
- Clean laser pickup with
cleaning disc
- Use compatible disc
- Change Parental Lock settings
to lower restriction
- Use disc with proper region
- Insert disc with label side up
Image blurred, distor-
ted, or dark
- Disc is illegally copied
- Use original disc
PBC cannot be used
during VCD playback
- PCB is not available on the disc
No repeat or searching
while playing VCD
- PCB is on
- Turn PCB off
Interruption occurred
during playback
- Disc is dirty or scratched
- File is damaged/bad recording
- Clean disc or replace
- Recreate disc with good files
Incorrect playback mes-
sage displayed
- Message is longer than LCD can