Sliders 11 to 15
define the pitch difference between the two vocoder output channels or notes. The
numbers below the upper ones clarify the intervals, i.e. 3 (below 11) for the third, etc, up to the seventh.
key select
The key selection is made by pulling the spring loaded “key select” switch up, simultaneously
when pushing down the desired major key in the keyboard. The dual keys naturally follow this setting, i.e
A minor also is selected when the C key is pressed, Bb minor also results when the C# key is pressed, etc.
The default key at power up is C major/A minor.
Sliders 15 and 16
: Microphone digitiser noise gate. In addition to the spectral noise gate adjustment with
Slider 6, also the input microphone A/D has noise gating. The default gating from system reset can be
varied using these sliders. If you want to increase the gating threshold, move Slider 15 to the maximum
position and move 16 up and down between the minimum and maximum positions. Each sweep up or
down increases the threshold by 3dB. Correspondingly, when Slider 15 is at the minimum position, each
sweep decreases it by -3dB. Overload led blinking shows reaching of the minimum or maximum
threshold. Note the dual function of slider 15.
Mode 9: Two channel freeze spectrum/capture transient vocoder
Mode 9 is similar to Mode 7 for the dual channel vocoder case, so please follow its instructions for use of
Slider 1,
Slider 9, Slider 10,
envelope input 3
, and the toggle switch, and otherwise follow Mode 8 instructions.