Power requirements
+5V, 220mA (steady state), 250mA (flash memory operations)
+12V, 40mA
-12V, -40mA
All these power lines have to be supplied from the Eurorack bus using the flat cable of the unit. Please observe the
correct polarity of the cable to avoid short-circuiting the power supply. When connecting to a standard Eurorack
bus, the ribbon cable should not be twisted: the red marking should correspond to the -12V bus line that is the
bottom terminal in the bus connector. The +5V in the bus is not a standard feature in many racks, so please check
that your rack has this option installed.
The system diagnostics is run at power up, and to show that everything is ok, the two red leds (one right to the
knob, and the other left to the
mode select
knob) will blink successively, and then both should go off.
The HG-16 front panel dimensions are 121.6mm x 128.4 mm, so it occupies 24 HP units horizontally. The depth is
25.0 mm from the front panel bottom level, and from that level the highest knob extends 16mm upwards.