Tip 2
: Straightforward FM can be created by feeding external modulation to the pitch bend -input
CV pitch
because it also has a wide bandwidth, but then the spectral spreading of each harmonic is proportional to the
harmonic number.
As a summary, here is a list of the patch cable connections required for mode 14:
Connect envelope generator outputs to all those of the
envelope inputs
that you have activated for the
desired base note harmonic sliders. Only 6 harmonics are used in this mode, i.e. sliders 1 to 6 are
usable for the base signal spectrum setting. Remember that on power up, all are connected to
input 1
, and only if you toggle the switch to
envelope select
position and back again, the previously
stored connections are activated.
For modulating signal harmonic amplitude control, connect envelope generator outputs to those
envelope inputs
that you have linked for the sliders 7 - 8. Adjust sliders 7 – 8 to set the relative
amplitudes for each of the modulator harmonics.
Connect envelope generator outputs to all those of the
envelope inputs
that you have activated for the
individual harmonic frequency modulating signal amplitude defining sliders 9 - 14. Check the
correspondence of sliders 1 – 6 and 9 – 14.
For modulating signal frequency control, connect an envelope generator output to
modulation 1
the modulation offset frequency to a desired level using
adjust 1,
and gain using
adjust 2.
Define downward or upward modulation by setting slider 16 down or up, correspondingly.
Connect global modulation amplitude control envelope to
modulation 2
Use slider 15 to remove (slider off) or allow (slider up) possible aliased, folded frequencies.
Connect the note determining control voltage to the
CV note
input and the gate trigger signal to the
input, and optionally connect the
CV pitch
CV velocity
inputs to the corresponding MIDI
input module outputs.