The following three conventions apply to Zone and Room definitions:
A Zone is an area of an Installation that accesses a source independently
from another Zone. A Zone contains a Primary Room and up to three
Expansion Rooms. Each Room within a Zone has independent
and Volume control. There are six Zones available to each PX-700 in
an Installation.
Primary Room
The Primary Room is a specific listening area within a Zone that is fed
signal from the PX-700’s
). If a single room
is the only room within a Zone, the
are used (see
Primary Outputs on page 3.10).
Expansion Room
Expansion Rooms are listening areas within a Zone that are fed signals
from the PX-700’s
). Expansion outputs
are connected to the inputs of the PX-603 Multi-Room Expander or
MA-361 Twelve Channel Digital Amplifier with EM-401 Volume/Tone
Control Modules (see Expansion Outputs on page 3.11).
Determine the number and type of keypads for each Room of the Installation.
The keypads should be optimally located for simple access, taking into consid-
eration the way the clients will use the Installation, environmental concerns,
and ambient lighting conditions. This requires understanding the way natural
light moves across the space during the course of the day as well as the type
and placement of lighting fixtures. The IR receiver on Audioaccess keypads is
sensitive to all forms of light.
Choose the source equipment to be used in the Installation and how it will
be partitioned among Zones. For example, one Zone may make use of a
dedicated tuner.
Select which keypad buttons will control which sources in each Zone. This
may require you to relocate button caps or order custom imprints.
Consider where the "head-end" will be located. Make sure the designer of
the equipment cabinet allows sufficient space for all the equipment, acces-
sories, and access to connections. You will have one or more PX-700s,
source equipment, amplifiers, PX-603 Multi-Room Expanders, cabling
between componnents, and cabling out to speakers, keypads, etc.