Noise Dose
What is a Noise Dose?
A noise dose refl ects the accumulated amount of acoustic energy that has entered
your ears over a period of time. It is an important quantity because as more energy
enters your ears, more noise-induced hearing damage may occur. Th
e US and EU
have set limits on the amount of this energy your ears are allowed to absorb each day
while working. For the default settings (EU/NIOSH), the equation governing the
soundBadge noise dose calculation is:
where: (1) pA is the sound pressure (in N/m or equivalently Pascals) measured at time
‘t’ with a microphone processed by an ‘A-weighting’ fi lter, (2) T is the period of time
over which the measurment is accumulated (in hours).
NOTE: When the meter reaches the 9999% display limit, it will display
--.--% and will automatically switch to Pa^2*hrs units.
What are the EU/US Noise Dose Regulations?
e soundBadge can report the ‘noise dose’ as a percentage. Depending on the settings,
100% is the allowable daily dose according to EU or US regulations (EU Directive
2003/10/CE specifi es: criterion = 85 dBA / 8-hr, exchange rate = 3 dB; US regulation
29 CFR 1910.95 specifi es: criterion = 90 dBA / 8-hr, exchange rate=5 dB).
= 100 ∙
( ) ∙
Noise Dose
Table of actions required according to EU regulations when various noise doses are
exceeded. Equivalent average A-weighted sound levels are given for an 8-hr work day.
Daily Dose
Average A-weighted
Level (8-hr)
Action required according to
80.0 dBA
A risk assessment must be undertaken
including measurements and
employees shall be informed of risks
84.9 dBA
Maximum allowable dose before
hearing protection must be supplied
85.0 dBA
Hearing protection must be supplied
Hearing protection must be supplied
and a noise control regime to limit
and a noise control regime to limit
exposure adopted
exposure adopted
87.0 dBA
ese limits must not be exceeded;
ese limits must not be exceeded;
strategies must implemented to
strategies must implemented to
reduce levels below these limits
reduce levels below these limits
How well does the soundBadge measure Noise Dose?
e soundBadge calcaulates noise dose as a percentage of your daily allowed dose
according to EU/US regulations with a resolution of 1% and with an accuracy that
exceeds allowable standards, typically /- 10%.