Because the ATR2100x-USB Microphone has a built-in headphone output, the Mac selects it as the output device.
Should you desire to use the internal speakers for playback audio, click the Output tab and choose the desired
output device.
The balance control sets the left to right balance in the output device.
The Output volume controls the playback level from the Mac. It is the same as clicking on the small speaker icon in
the menu bar and adjusting volume or using the keyboard controls.
Preliminary setup with MacOS Mojave
With recent updates to MacOS Mojave and the latest MacOS Catalina, Apple implemented a privacy setting
allowing you to control which apps have access to the microphone.
If you are using MacOS Mojave, you must enable software access to the microphone, using the security and privacy settings.
In order to use the ATR2100x-USB microphone with certain applications you need to verify that the apps are
enabled to have access to the microphone.
Open the system preferences and click on the Security and Privacy icon.