06 MicON Trigger
All Button, All Voice, Individual
07 MicON Hold Time
1.0 to 10.0 seconds
08 Interrupt Option
Cut, Mute
[6] Logging (
01 Logging
On, Off
02 Destination
Internal, USB
[7] Presets (
01 Recall Presets
Recalls presets
02 Save Presets
Saves presets
03 Import Presets
Imports presets
04 Export Presets
Exports presets
05 Boot Up Preset
Calls presets at boot up
Entering letters
For example, when entering letters from [4]
Recorder Setting
09 Filename Prefix
, follow the procedure below.
Rotate the jog dial to select a letter.
You can use the following characters.
A to Z, a to z, 1 to 9, 0
Device Name
A to Z, a to z, 1 to 9, 0, ! # $ ‘ ( ) * + , - . : ; < = > ? @ `, (space)
Filename Prefix
A to Z, a to z, 1 to 9, 0, ! # $ ‘ ( ) + , - . ; = ? @ `, (space)
Press the ENTER button to enter the selected
The cursor moves to the right.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 to enter desired text.
To delete characters you have just entered, follow the procedure
• To move the cursor to the character you want to edit:
(1) While pressing and holding the BACK button, rotate the
jog dial to move the cursor.
(2) Release the BACK button.
• To delete characters you have just entered:
(1) Move the cursor to the character you want to delete.
(2) While pressing and holding the BACK button, press the
ENTER button.
The character at the current cursor position will be
• When the cursor flashes in “_” state at the end of the
text, the character just before the cursor will be deleted.
• To change characters you have just entered:
(1) Move the cursor to the character you want to edit.
(2) Rotate the jog dial to select the desired character.
• To finish editing:
(1) When the cursor is in “
” blinking state, press the
ENTER button.
When editing ends, the cursor will move to the end of the
text and “_” will blink.
To enter the text, when the cursor is in the “_”
blinking state, press the ENTER button.
followed by the file name.