Hearing loss can be improved, in most
cases, through medicine, surgery, or with
hearing instruments. Hearing aids are the
most commonly chosen option.
Today’s hearing instruments are quite small
in size and feature sophisticated electronics
that accommodate a wide variety of
hearing losses. Nature gave us two ears for
a reason and since the majority of people
who have a hearing loss are affected
in both ears, two (binaural) hearing
instruments are typically recommended.
Two hearing instruments should provide
these benefits:
Better overall sound quality when
compared to one hearing instrument
(“stereo sound”).
The ability to locate a sound source in
noisy and normal listening conditions.
Increased ability to understand
speech in noisy and normal listening
A sensation of balanced hearing.
Talk with your hearing healthcare provider
about what is best for you. Even the best
technology can’t do the work of two ears!
Binaural Amplification
Children with Hearing Loss
In addition to seeing a physician for a
medical evaluation, a child with a hearing
loss should be directed to an audiologist for
evaluation and rehabilitation since hearing
loss may cause problems in language
development and the education and social
growth of a child. An audiologist is qualified
by training and experience to assist in the
evaluation and rehabilitation of a child with
hearing loss.
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