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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
13 Hall sender -G40
◆ Cylinder bank 2
14 25 Nm
15 Washer
◆ Conical
16 Rotor ring
◆ For Hall sender
◆ When installing note fixing arrangement
17 Connector
◆ Black, 3-pin
◆ For Hall sender -G40 or -G163
18 Hall sender -G163
◆ Cylinder bank 1
1.6 - Testing ignition coils
◆ The ignition coils and the output stage are combined as a single component.
◆ The primary resistance of the ignition coils cannot be measured.
Audi A8 1994 ➤
Motronic injection and ignition system (6-cylinder) - Edition 02.1999
1.5 - Removing and installing parts of the ignition system