intermittently to reduce the power output. It should be synchronized with the power
light on the cooking device.
Smoker generator control output status indicator
. When lit, the smoker
generator control output is on. When off, the output is off.
Timer status indicator
- When lit, right window shows the time passed since
power up. When it is off, right window shows the current temperature detected by
the probe 2.
- For showing current temperature settings, entering parameters setting
mode and confirming various actions taken.
“-” Key
- To decrement displayed values when controller is in the parameter
setting mode. During normal operation, press it to cancel the alarm.
“+” Key
- To increment displayed values when controller is in the parameter setting
mode. During normal operation, pressing it will change the left window from
temperature to display which step the program is at.
Time Key
- Changes the display in the right window between current timer and
temperature values.
Figure 2. Back Panel
2. Connecting and operating the controller
Install the sensor.
(Note: If you ordered wall mount sensor instead of free hanging sensor, please see the
separate instruction in the CD for its installation)