Clean the ATMOS S 351 or its variant before you carry
out repairs. Take suitable precautions (to prevent con-
Removal and fi tting of the housing
a) Remove the mains cable at the back of the device.
b) Remove the two cover plates on the back of the
c) Remove the 2 connecting screws on the
handle (Torx).
d) Remove the 2 connecting screws on the lower side of
the housing forward shell.
e) Pull the housing shells from one another.
After carrying out the repair assemble the ATMOS S 351
as follows:
a) Push the two housing halves together.
b) Push the cable loom (between both housing shells) as
far as possible into the back half of the housing.
c) Now slide the two halves of the housing completely
together. Take care that you do not pinch/clamp either
the hose or the cable.
d) Screw in all fastening screws again.
e) Insert the cap again.
Membrane and valve change
Remove the pipework from the pump.
Remove the four socket headed screws (1a or 1b) of the
pump head (2a or 2b) (Figure 8, Page 14).
Clean the diaphragm disk (3); check whether the dia-
phragm (4) has fractures, if necessary renew it. For this,
remove the socket headed screw 5. Remember when
assembling that the membrane is assembled in the lower
dead point (Figure 10, Page 15).
Remove the three countersunk head screws (6a or 7a) on
the valve head, the valve plates (6c or 7b) and O-rings (6b
or 7c). Clean valve heads and complete pump head with
spirit, fi t new valve plates and O-rings and assemble the
aggregate in the reverse direction (Figure 11 and Figure
12, Page 15).
In addition the noise absorbing material must be
In no case may the connecting rod be disconnected from
the motor shaft, since this can result in out of balance
running or very bad behaviour on starting.
The right and left pump heads are different and
must not be interchanged.
Take care when assembling that the hoses are
correctly connected.
For new pumps: When fi tting a new pump you
must remove the stopper on the motor transducer
connection (8). Then press the motor transducer into
the hole. Take care that the light fi elds lie one above
the other (not side by side). In addition, the transducer
must not be on the fl ywheel.
Removal of the pump module
a) Remove the two fi xing screws on the pump console.
b) Remove the 6 fi xing screws on the silencer (sheet above
the set).
c) Pull the pump module out forwards.
d) Remove if required the corresponding cable/hoses.
4.0 Changing parts