Instruction manual - GB
Boiler room with a large built-in pellet storage
A boiler plant with a built-in pel-
let storage with the volume of e.g.
5 m
in which you can store 3250
kg of pellets. For this purpose we
recommend 2 m (2.5 m) conveyor
is used. For easy access to the sto-
rage a segmented opening is pro-
duced that can be easy adapted to
the pellet level in the storage and
enables cleaning of the storage
from dust and dirt once a year. In
the top part of the storage there are
two openings for replenishment of
pellets from a cistern. Their size
and construction depend on pellets
For optimum collapsing of the pel-
let heap the optimum angle of the
inner walls in the storage must be
at least 45°. All the walls are incli-
ned to the lowest point of the stor-
age from which the worm convey-
or draws pellets.
- If pellets are drawn to the storage in the boiler plant directly from the cistern, se-
veral principles must be observed that prevent their crushing during pneumatic transport. First
of all you must make sure that they do not hit the hard wall of the storage, but a screen that is
suspended in the centre of the storage from the ceiling. This way you will ensure even filling
of the storage and prevent crushing into small pellets and dust. Ask the pellet suppliers about
further possibilities and conditions of pellet drawing.