Operation and Maintenance Manual - EN
7. Maintenance and cleaning of burner with combustion
chamber pneumatic cleaner
Basic maintenance and cleaning of the pellet burner is described in the manual for the specific boiler
and pellet burner. We want to draw attention to the most important points however!
INFO - Pneumatic cleaning of the burner significantly extends the period between
combustion chamber cleanings and reduces boiler heat exchanger clogging (tube sheet).
Nevertheless, the burner should be regularly checked and cleaned when necessary.
Cleaning the burner combustion chamber,
specifically cleaning the aperture for combustion
air inflow is undertaken
in dependence on the pellet quality and amount of additions in the
pellets such as starch, cornflour and various wood glues.
These substances make
apertures for
combustion air inflow grow, especially from the bottom of the combustion chamber.
The interval
between combustion chamber cleanings is generally between 7 days and 4 months.
Cleaning of the channels for compressed air inflow
to the combustion chamber is undertaken in
dependence on the quality of pellets from once a month to once every 4 months.
Example of cleaning the combustion chamber
Slightly clogged apertures in combustion cham-
ber after 4 months of use
Example of cleaning the front part of the compre-
ssed air inflow channel
Slight clogging after 4 months of use