Specifications are subject to change without notice
1601 JACK MCKAY BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. • TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333 • FAX: (800) 765-3435
Printed in U.S.A.
ATS003064 RevA 3/08
Analog Topology
Balanced Output
Selectable between Pink and White Noise
Defeatable EQ
Variable Hi-Cut filter
Variable Gain
Stand Alone or Rack Mountable
Rear Panel Adjustments
The analog noise generator Model GPN-1200B can be used for audio equipment testing or
as the signal source in Sound Masking systems. It provides the output level necessary to
match the input circuits of most commercially available equalizers and amplifiers. The unit is
recommended for use in Sound Masking systems using Atlas Sound masking loudspeakers
and amplifiers. Sound Masking systems are designed to help eliminate the auditory
distraction associated with open office plan environments as well as providing conversation
privacy in facilities such as schools, churches, restaurants, offices, etc. (Additional information
on masking loudspeakers and sound masking in general is available upon request.)
Installation Options
The AA-GPN1200 has two methods of installation. It can be used as a standalone unit
or mounted in a rack. The included 19" 1 RU rack mount panel can support from one to
three AA-GPN1200 units. To mount an AA-GPN1200 to the 19" rack panel, first remove
the four front panel screws and the AA-GPN1200 face plate and then mount the AA-
GPN1200 chassis to the 19" panel using the same four screws. Discard the unused panel,
if desired.