Owner’s Manual
Accessory Card
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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435
HPA Setup after HPA-DAC4 Installation
1. Please read the HPA manual prior to proceeding. It is important to set the input levels within the
system to avoid clipping the amplifier input or the output HPA-DAC4 card.
The best way to
prevent clipping the HPA-DAC4 is to place a limiter set for 0dB in the signal path prior to the
network output of the transmitting device (always recommended).
2. Set the HPA-DAC4 card to 0dBFS = 20dBu. The shunt needs to be on.
3. Set the HPA amplifier input sensitivity to .775V. (This is the factory default setting)
4. Set the HPA front panel level controls to the max (10) or fully clockwise. The HPA comes with a
front panel level security cover to prevent tampering.
Set Levels to 10