Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC-5 through QC-27
Document #9610-20-2254-09
Pinnacle Park • 1041 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 •
Table 1.1—Tool Changer and Module Glossary
Pneumatic Module
Utility modules that pass air or vacuum through the Master and Tool modules to
the end-effector.
Sensor Plate
A cover plate for the back side of the Master plate that seals the pneumatic
chamber and provides mounting points for the Lock/Unlock switches.
Servo Module
Utility modules that pass electrical power and servo signals through the Master
and Tool modules to the end-effector equipped with a servo motor.
Sensor Interface Plate
Used to adapt the Tool Changer Master to the customer-supplied robot. An
interface plate that contains sensors that determine the state (Locked/Unlocked/
No Tool) of the Master plate.
Tool plate
The half of the Tool Changer to which various tools or end-effectors are mounted.
Tool Stand
A stand that holds the Tools not being used by the robot.
Trip Dog
A physical device used to activate a mechanical switch, which is used in the tool
stand Interlock circuit.
The physical action of the unlocking the Master and Tool plates. See Unlock.
The output supplied to the ATI Master module to uncouple the Tool Changer.
The unlock air pressure provided to the Master plate locking mechanism that
forces the cam to release the locking balls from the bearing race and allows the
Master and Tool plates to be separated.
An output signal provided by a proximity sensor, indicating that the coupling
mechanism is in the Unlocked position.
Unlock Port
Pneumatic port on the Master plate through which air pressure is supplied to
Unlock the Master plate from the Tool plate.
Unlock Sensor
A proximity sensor that detects the position of the pneumatically actuated piston
when it is in the unlocked position.