® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, 2018, All rights reserved. / Misprints and technical changes reserved / Issue: 08/2014
Protocol of Installation/Handover certificate
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Production year:
The above lift was installed, checked for function and security and it was put into operation.
The installation was performed by:
The operator
Service technician
The operator confirms the correct installation of the lift, to have read all informations in this user´s manual and to follow
them accordingly, as well as to store it accessible for all introduced..
The service technician confirms the correct installation of the lift, to have read all informations in this user´s manual and
checking book, to have given the operator all documents and to have instructed all operators properly.
The operators confirm that there was an instruction in operation of the lift made by the service technician of the
manufacturer or a distributing partner (expert) after installation and initial operation
Name and stamp of service technician
Date and signature of service technician
Name and company stamp of operator
Date and signature of operator
Name of operator
Date and signature of operator
Name of operator
Date and signature of operator
Name of operator
Date and signature of operator
Name of operator
Date and signature of operator