CE604 User Manual
CE604R (Remote Unit)
Hotkey Setting Mode
The administrator and users can use hotkey combinations to configure a
number of the DVI KVM Extender’s working environment parameters. All
Hotkey operations begin by invoking Hotkey Setting Mode (HSM).
Invoking HSM
To invoke HSM, do the following:
1. Hold down
2. Press and release
3. Release
There is an alternative key combination to invoke HSM (see
Lights steadily to indicate that the connection to the Local
Unit is ok.
Flashes every 0.25 seconds to indicate that there is a prob-
lem on the Cat5 Main connection.
Flashes every 0.5 seconds to indicate that there is a prob-
lem on the Cat5 Sub connection.
Flashes together with the Power LED to indicate that firm-
ware upgrade is in progress.
Lights steadily to indicate that the Remote unit is receiving
Flashes together with the Link LED to indicate that firmware
upgrade is in progress.