IDA8 Installation Guide
© 2021, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Ateis Studio software
Ateis Studio is a user-friendly GUI software designed for intuitive system setup. The PC-based software
allows hardware update, full system configuration and generates the user interface for day-to-day system
Step 1: network settings
Install and operate the Ateis Studio software, and assign the network card on Ateis Studio.
Click [Tools > Communication] to open the
Network Adapter Setting window.
Select the network card in your PC/laptop, then
click "OK".
Step 2: search devices
Search the Ateis device and connect to It.
Before searching the Ateis devices in LAN, the device list will be shown in blank.
Now click [Auto Search] button under the Devices tab, then click [Clear] button, the device list will
appear after few seconds.
The gird on the left side shows which device has been connected, and the grid on the right side
shows the system function items the user can configure.