Flight and operations manual of ATEC 321 Faeta NG aircraft with Rotax 912 iS
ATEC v.o.s., Libice nad Cidlinou, Czech Republic
Page 42 of 59
The cockpit is covered by hinged perspex canopy with two small sliding windows. The canopy opens up-
and backwards.
Electrical blocking system installed on the canopy locks disables to start up the engine in
case the canopy is not properly closed. Mechanical blocking system (i.e. the lever to OPEN/CLOSE the
canopy) prevents the canopy from its self-opening during the flight. Small demisting fan installed on the
top of the dashboard avoids canopy fogging (optional equipment).
Cockpit Equipment
The aircraft shall be equipped with at least minimum equipment, which is:
1. Speed indicator with colour markings of speed limits
2. Altimeter
3. Skid ball
4. Compass
5. EMS device (engine monitoring system) with colour indicators suitable for Rotax 912iS