Flight and operations manual of ATEC 321 Faeta NG aircraft with Rotax 912 iS
ATEC v.o.s., Libice nad Cidlinou, Czech Republic
Page 15 of 59
Permitted Manoeuvres
Category of the aircraft:
Operations are limited to non-aerobatic manoeuvres that include:
Any manoeuvres necessary for normal flight
Training of stalls
Steep turns with the bank
angle not more than 60°
Aerobatic manoeuvres are prohibited!
Load Factors
(600 MTOW)
Maximum positive load factor in CG
+ 4,0 g
Maximum negative load factor in CG
- 2,0 g
Type of Operation
Only VFR day flights are permitted (flight by visual reference to the ground during the daytime)
IFR flights ( instrumental flights ) and flights by ice formation are prohibited!
Number of seats
Minimum weight of the crew
70 kg
Maximum weight of the crew
220 kg
Maximum load of the seat
110 kg
Fuel tank
Fuel capacity
2 x 50 L
Non-usable rest of fuel
0,82 L for each tank
A safe take-off and landing is only possible if the following wind speed limits are not exceeded:
a) take-off or landing headwind
up to 12 m/s = 23,3 kt
b) take-off or landing tailwind
up to 3 m/s = 5,8 kt
c) take-off or landing crosswind
up to 6 m/s = 11,6 kt
Never operate the aircraft when above listed wind limits are exceeded!