USB Gateway
Check the Audio In and Audio Out list boxes and make sure VoIP Virtual Audio device
is selected.
Call Forwarding is not working properly
Make sure that a telephone cable is plugged into the USB Gateway
jack and
to the wall phone plug
Try to dial the telephone number as you have entered in the USB Gateway Call
Forwarding dialog box
If you are on a PBX, make sure you have entered enough commas after the 9 (for
example) to make sure that USB Gateway waits for the dialtone before dialing the
telephone number
USB port power surge
If your connect USB Gateway to USB port with low power supply, your PC will warn
the USB port power surge problem. In this case you can try:
USE AC power supply instead of battery power supply in your laptop.
Connect USB Gateway to another USB port.
Remove other USB power hardware.
USE USB hub with its auxiliary power supply
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