Applied Thermal Control Ltd
39 Hayhill Industrial Estate
Barrow-upon-Soar, Loughborough
LE12 8LD, United Kingdom
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Operating Manual; Filling Procedure
Annex D-1
Date 28/AUG/2020
Author(s) AMI
Page 1 / 1
Revision 1
The Eco
Mini chiller has a different fill procedure to ATC’s other products. Please read the entire passage before
starting and familiarize yourself with the process.
a) Check all application valves are open, including solenoid valves and variable position valves.
i) The chiller will require an open water circuit to pump into.
ii) Any obstructions can increase the time, or entirely prevent the bleeding of air from the system.
b) Remove the cap from the tank lid on the top of the chiller.
i) Fill the tank to leave 10-20mm (0.4-
0.8”) of air between water line and where the lid seals.
c) Turn your attention to the power inlet rocker switch on the back of the chiller.
i) Immediately after toggling this switch assuming that the power cord is connected and turned on at the
wall the chiller will begin to pump water.
ii) Leave the chiller running until the water line drops to just above the lower outlet port, then turn it off,
this will only take a couple of seconds is the water is able to flow freely and there is air in the system.
Caution; Do not run the pump dry. Do not deadhead the pump.
d) Repeat steps c) i) and d) until the level no longer drops when the pump is run.
e) Start the chiller by once again toggling the mains inlet rocker switch on the back of the chiller.
i) Leave the cap off the tank for >30mins to allow air to escape, or very loosely screwed on to prevent
water splashing out of the tank.
f) Check the application and tubing for signs of leaks whilst the chiller is running.
i) Replace the tank lid fully when satisfied the system is full and bled of air.
Annex D-2 200828 EcoMini fill procedure