Applied Thermal Control Ltd
39 Hayhill Industrial Estate
Barrow-upon-Soar, Loughborough
LE12 8LD, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1530 839 998
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Installation, Operation & Service Manual
EcoMini (EMxxn)
Date 28/AUG/2020
Author(s) MJH
Page 5 / 5
Revision 1
Specific technical product information is provided in the following series of annexes.
Annex A-1 191122 Unpacking - Weighing over 18kg
Annex B-1 191122 Mini site and environmental requirements
Annex C-1 200901 Installation - Mini & EcoMini
Annex D-2 200828 EcoMini fill procedure
Annex E-6 200826 Z31GS Controller & Variable Resistor
Annex F-1 191129 Pres & flow in Mini with centrif pump
Annex G-6 200828 EcoMini, generic initial troubleshooting
Annex H-1 191121 Generic periodic maintenance for end users
Annex I-1 191129 Generic maintenance for technicians
Annex J-1 200901 EcoMini & Mini series EU DoC
Annex J-5 200706 Conflict Minerals compliance statement
Annex J-7 200715 REACH compliance statement
Annex J-8 200827 POPs compliance statement
Annex K-1 200623 Standard warranty terms of ATC
Annex M-1 200828 Recommended spares, Mini & EcoMini
Annex R-1 170621 SDS for refrigerant HFC-R134a
Annex R-3 200203 SDS Hexid A4 v6.3
Opening section EMPC3