more robust components engineered to survive the rigours of high level use for extended periods.
The only way to combine the two is through precision engineering of a class and scale more often associated
with aerospace or motorsport. But the results are worth the effort and the cost. ATC loudspeakers, with their
unique in-house designed drivers, combine the best of hi-fi and professional to devastating effect.
ATC has become synonymous with active systems. Choosing to offer active loudspeakers (where the passive
systems still have their place, and ATC engineering skills can still bring remarkable results from them) is a
fundamentally better solution to the problems posed by accurate, high level music reproduction.
The ATC instinct is always for the better solution. Not cheaper, not quicker, but better.
It was the development of active loudspeakers that first brought ATC into electronics design and engineering.
Active speakers demand multiple power amplifiers, so ATC from the mid 1980s became not just a loudspeaker
manufacturing company but an electronics manufacturer, too. The further step from electronics for active speakers
to a range of stand-alone amplifier products was natural and now means that ATC engineering is available from the
recording desk or CD player output to the ears.
From modest beginnings ATC has grown to become one of the very few manufacturers successful across both
domestic and professional audio. By selecting ATC you join a group of music lovers, professional audio engineers,
studios and musicians across the world that understand and value the engineering that goes into an ATC product.
s e r i e s
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