1 :
M o n i t o r P l a c e m e n t
Centre Speaker Placement
The positioning constraints on a centre channel loudspeaker are
always influenced by the type and location of the associated
screen. However, the basic parameters that influence the
subjective performance of any loudspeaker in a listening room –
alignment to the listening position and proximity of room
boundaries – also apply to a centre channel and should be taken
into account. The C1C and C3C are intended to be positioned
relatively clear of room boundaries and centrally either just
below or just above the screen. If the screen is either a plasma
or projector type located close to the wall it may not be
possible to position the C1C or C3C very far forward. In these
cases, some adjustment of low frequency equalisation via the AV
processor may be necessary to reduce excess bass. It is always
preferable however to experiment with loudspeaker positioning
before resorting to electronic equalisation. If the centre speaker
is to be positioned away from the screen, either low down or
high up, it should be angled up/down towards the listener.
While every ATC centre channel speaker is effectively magnetically
shielded, the extreme sensitivity of some CRT tubes to residual
levels of magnetic flux may mean that, in rare cases, ATC centre
channel speakers are not appropriate. Adjusting the relative
front/back position of the centre speaker and the CRT can
reduce magnetic interference but should your screen suffer
intractable picture distortion caused by the proximity of a
centre speaker contact your dealer or installer for advice.
C e n t r e / S u b
M u l t i c h a n n e l U n i t s
Monitor Placement
Bass Management
Functions/Settings – C1 Sub
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