Welcome. In selecting ATC you have chosen an example of the finest audio engineering available.
ATC was founded on a principle of engineering excellence, and that principle still defines our products
today. Given the right opportunities, ATC products will deliver exceptional audio performance, but the
opportunities will only arise from careful and thoughtful installation and use. Please read the following
manual fully. It will help you understand the product and to realise its full potential. We are happy to
answer questions and offer advice on any issues that arise through installation or use of ATC products.
Contact details can be found at the back of this manual.
ATC was founded in London in 1974 by Australian émigré Bill Woodman, who still heads the company today.
An enthusiastic pianist and engineer he was naturally drawn to loudspeaker design and, after a period working at
Goodmans (where many of the names that went on to found British loudspeaker companies began their careers),
he struck out on his own. The premise on which ATC began is a simple one – and one that, in many respects, is still
true today: hi-fi loudspeakers tend to be detailed and accurate, but of limited dynamic range, while professional
monitor speakers tend to express the opposite character. ATC products were designed from the outset to
offer the best of both. It’s an easy concept to describe, but surprisingly difficult to engineer.
The difficulty inherent in designing such loudspeakers is one of scale. Hi-fi levels of accuracy and detail call for
lightweight moving parts and delicate engineering. Professional monitor levels of performance, however, demand far
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