Getting Started (continued)
Select Cameras
If more than one camera is connected to your Smart Sync Monitor, you can utilize the Select Cameras function; allowing you
to manually toggle between cameras and select Auto Split Screen or Scan mode.
The Select Camera function can be accessed from in the upper left corner of the video feed; or in Settings > Camera.
Selecting a camera
1. Tap the Select Camera button.
2. Select the camera you want to view by tapping the check box next to it. Tap Go to save and return to live video
feed or tap Cancel to cancel changes.
Auto Split Screen (5” Monitor Only) or Scan
Auto Split Screen allows you to view multiple cameras at the same time. When in Auto Split Screen, audio will only be heard
from the live camera. Each camera will be shown for 10 seconds before scanning to the next camera.
Scan mode allows you to scan up to 4 cameras with each cycle duration of 10 seconds. When Auto Split Screen or Scan mode
are selected, the Main Menu disappears from the screen.
Tap the Select Camera button.
Select the cameras you want to view in Auto Split Screen or Scan mode.
Tap the Auto Split Screen or Scan check box.
Tap Go to save or tap Cancel to cancel changes.
To cancel Auto Split Screen or Scan mode, double tap on the video feed.