Since this reissue covers a general revision, arrows
ordinarily used to indicate changes have been
1 .03
This issue is based on:
463-341-102-Voice Connecting Arrangement
FTP (33A Voice Coupler)
503-701-110-832- and 2832-Type Telephone
Sets; Identification, Installation, Connections
and Maintenance
512-620-487-Speakerphone System-3-Type;
832-, 833-, 2832- and 2833-Type Telephone
Sets, Connections
512-740-471-Speakerphone System 4A; 832-,
833-, 2832- and 2833-Type Telephone Sets
518-010-105-KTS, Grounding and Special
Protection Requirements
C D - a n d S D -69652-01, I s s u e 1 - 7 A
Communication System Circuit
CD- and SD-69654-01, Issue 1-832A and
2832A Telephone Circuit for Use With 7A
Communication System
CD- and SD-69656-01, Issue 1-6Al and
6B1 Selector Console Circuit to Use With
7 A Communication System.
If this section is to be used with equipment or
apparatus reflecting a later issue of the drawing(s),
reference should be made to the CDs and SDs to
determine the extent of the changes and the
manner in which the section may be affected.
T h e 7 A C o m m un ication S y s t e m w i l l
accommodate a maximum o f 7 CO/PBX lines
and 18 stations. It is equipped with a 2-path
intercom. A 570A KSU houses a power supply
and KTU mountings.
Telephone sets (832- and
2832-type) are special 10-button, 11-button, and
13-button sets providing basic services such as
pickup, hold and illumination, voice and tone
signaling, multiline conferencing, and automatic
button restoration (ABR). Optional features are
privacy (lockout), privacy release, station restriction,
paging (with or without customer-provided [CP]
ISS 3, SECTION 5 1 8-450- 1 00
background music), power failure transfer, ring
transfer, music-on-hold (utilizing CP music source),
intercom preset conference, station busy console
with direct station selection (DSS), station busy
console with message waiting (MW), intercom-only
telephone sets, TOUCH-TONE dialing, speakerphone,
external signaling circuit, and connection to customer
In the 7A Communication System each station
has access to all CO/PBX lines and both
intercom paths.
One station, selected as the
attendant station (station code 0), is the only station
factory-wired in the KSU for CO/PBX ringing.
Incoming calls are answered at the attendant station.
The attendant ascertains the station or party being
called and places the incoming call on hold. The
attendant may then page the called party or dial
the called station or party over an intercom path
and inform thein of the incoming call. The attendant
may reenter the call by depressing the associated
line button. The attendant station (station code
0) is the only station that can divert its common
audible ringing via the optional ring transfer feature.
Any station may be optionally wired for CO/PBX
ringing on a single line or for common audible
ringing. Stations cannot be wired for both common
audible and CO/PBX ringing. In the 7A Communication
System as many as 10 stations may be wired for
common audible ringing. Intercom station codes
are: 0 (attendant station code) and 3 through 19.
Code 1 is a transfer digit for 2-digit codes and
code 2 is for paging.
570A KSU
The 570A KSU (Fig. 1) has the following
mechanical design features:
Contains internally mounted 19C3 and 215C1
power units and a KS-19175, 11 interrupter.
(Older models may be equipped with 19C2
power units.)
Contains five internally mounted 66-type
connecting blocks for option, console, and
station connections.
Has fuse panel (Table A) which provides
power distribution to connectors and station
blocks for lamp and fusing functions.
Has status lamps to indicate status of CO/PBX
and intercom lines (Table B).
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