ASUS WLAN mini-PCI card
Chapter 3
. Mobile Manager
Mobile Manager is a convenient tool to setup and manage network loca-
tion settings. Mobile Manager lets users configure multiple alternative con-
figurations for different locations. You only need to set this once, and then
easily switch configurations when you change your location.
Starting Mobile Manager
Click the Windows Start button, select Programs, select ASUS Util-
ity, select WLAN Card, and then click Mobile Manager.
Right-click the Control Center icon on the Windows taskbar and then
click Mobile Manager.
Using Mobile Manager - Quick Guide
1. The first time you launch the Mobile Manager utility, it will automati-
cally generate configurations that stores the current settings of all in-
stalled network devices in your system.
2. Change the name of the configuration to a descriptive name like “Work-
Meeting Room” or “Home-ADSL”.
3. On the File menu, click New Configuration, the New Configuration
Wizard dialog appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to create your
own location configurations.
4. After you have created your configurations, you can see them in the
main window.
5. Select the configuration you want to use and then click Mobilize Con-
figuration from the Mobilize pull-down menu. Your system will then
switch to the network settings configured to your chosen selection.