PXIe-3352 User Manual
Publication No. 981049 Rev. B
Software Operation 4-6
Astronics Test Systems
The last recommendation, as with the LabWindows/CVI driver, is that every handle
you open with the “ri3352e Initialize.vi” should be closed with the “ri3352e
Close.vi”. Every time you execute the “ri3352e Initialize.vi”, it opens a new handle
to the instrument, and that handle allocates some memory. Repeated use of the
“ri3352e Initialize.vi” without closing it via the “ri3352e Close.vi” will ultimately
result in an execution error.
The use of the “ri3352e Close.vi” as the last VI in the chain is shown in the
diagram below:
The LabVIEW driver contains an executable example VI. You can locate this in
one of two ways:
Select the menu item “Instrument I/O -> Instr Drivers -> Astronics ri3352e ->
Examples -> ri3352e Example”. Then open the front panel on the VI.