Keypad Buttons -
Each keypad button provides the Astra Camera
Handpiece fingertip control over the PC streaming video capture software
via the Handpiece Cable . The specific functions performed by the keypad
buttons depend on a software installation that supports the 2-button handpiece .
Typical keypad actions provided below .
Simultaneously depressing both keypad buttons for approximately 3 seconds
deactivates the Camera Handpiece LED light source. This is commonly used
when imaging an X-ray on a light box.
(1) Top Keypad Button
Press and release to send a
Button 1
to the PC . While the specific function
performed depends on the setting of the
video capture software application installed
on the PC, this command typically freezes
and unfreezes the image that is displayed
on the computer monitor .
(2) Bottom Keypad Button
Press and release to send a
Button 2
to the PC . While the specific action depends
on the video capture software installed, it
typically saves the image displayed on the
computer monitor to the computer hard disk .
(3) Handpiece Connector
A 5-pin connector socket that accepts
connection of the keyed 5-pin quick
disconnect plug end of the Handpiece
Cable .
Astra Camera Handpiece