Manual Load Switch LS 804
Page 14 of 34
Subject to technical changes. 06/2017
A.S.T. - Angewandte System Technik GmbH, Mess- und Regeltechnik
Operating display for load spectrum recorders
Load spectrum recorders (LSR) are provided for displaying the service life of the individual sensors a to d,
computed in accordance with FEM Directive 9.755.
For this purpose, a signal is evaluated second-by-second, proportional to the load 0…100% of the
relevant hoist unit when this is operated and saved in a totalizing memory.
The contents of this totalizing memory constitute the actual useful life S. This can be displayed both in
hours as actual useful life S and as a percentage % as consumed useful life V = S/D.
All inputting of the theoretical useful life D and the starting value for actual useful life S is
carried out employing a web browser (Chapter 6.5 Load spectrum recorders (LSR)).
The service life is computed for each sensor individually and cannot be made up of
several input signals.
switches the system to the operation display containing the service-life indicator
(also refer to Chapter 6.5 Load spectrum recorders (LSR)).
L S 8 0 4 - L S R
S e n s o r a : -
S e n s o r b : R U N
S e n s a S e n s b E x i t
Figure 19 Operation display – Load spectrum recorders
Fig. 19 indicates that the totalized service life in respect of sensor b. The given example indicates an
operating signal arriving from hoist unit b). No operating signal is shown to be coming from sensor a (e.g.
hoist unit a).
Exiting of the display is carried out by pressing the
brings about a display change of sensors a/b and c/d.
In the given example pressing key
Sens a
makes it possible to access to information on the
service life in respect of sensor a (hoist unit a).
L S R - S e n s o r a
D [ h ] : 1 2 0 0
S [ h ] : 1 2 3
V [ % ] : 1 0 . 2
Figure 20 - Service-life display – Sensor a
Exiting of the display is carried out by pressing the