© Associated Research 2017
(1) "Valid ASCII" is the character set that is available from the front panel LCD user interface. Consisting of upper case alphabet
(A-Z), numbers (0-9) and decimal point (.), asterisk (*), dash (-), under bar (_), tilde (~) and space (SP).
FL <memory number>
Load a file by memory number from non-volatile memory into random access memory RAM.
FN < file name>
Creates a new file name for the active memory loaded into RAM.
SS <step number>
Selects the active selected step to load into RAM. The step must first be selected before any specific parameters can be edited.
ADD2 <n, p1,p2,p3…>
This command adds a step with all parameters to the current file. See the command summary tables below to see the specific
test type for each of these commands
The parameter <n> indicates the test type. The values AC or DC must be used. The parameters <p1,p2> etc. indicate the individ-
ual settings for each parameter of the test. All parameters must be included with the command and should appear in the same
order that is shown in the table below. Also, like the individual parameter editing commands, the unit should not be included with
the value; only the numeric value should be included in the command string. When the scanners are being used they should be
appended to the end of the string, with the internal scanner first if installed, followed by the external scanner if connected to the
rear panel scanner control port.
The list of parameters can also be found in the default parameters section of the manual, or refer to Test Parameter Editing Com-
mands and Companion Queries for the proper values.
The parameter values for file editing commands should use complete text (i.e. "ON" and "OFF" or “Real” and “Total”) and not
use the coded values that are associated with the test parameter setting commands discussed in Test Parameter Editing
Commands and Companion Queries. The LS? companion command will also list all parameters in complete text in the order as
they appear in the following table, preceded by the step number. The following table shows examples of the ADD2 and
LS2 commands:
ADD2 all parameters for one STEP
ADD2 AC ,Current,Voltage,HI-Limit,LO-Limit,HI-Limit V,LO-Limit V,Dwell Time,Offset,Offset V,Frequency,Scanner Channel
LS2? & LS2 nn? Response Data format
Step number,AC,Current,Voltage,HI-Limit,LO-Limit,HI-Limit V,LO-Limit V,Dwell Time,Offset,Offset V,Frequency