Hi-O Technology™ –
Door wiring with distributor
Maximum total line length
50 m
Maximum single line length
10 m
Maximum branch connection line length 10 m
Minimum cable cross-section
0.5 mm²
Terminating resistor
120 Ω, activate at distributor
Star form to distributor
Remote IO interface
CAN bus without power supply
Maximum total line length
300 m
Maximum branch connection line length 0.1 m
Minimum cable cross-section
0.5 mm²
Terminating resistor
120 Ω, activate at the distributor and
at the remote IO interface
Linear topology
Line requirements
CAN bus certified or
I-Y(St)Y 2 x 2 x 0.8
Measures for interference suppression
Unilateral earthing of cable shield
Tab. 10 :
Hi-O Technology™
door wiring with
distributor and
remote IO