Activate Motion Detection:
To activate the motion detection, enable the
check box
Actions when Motion Detection is Trigger:
Select what actions will be taken once
the motion detection is triggered.
E-mail: When the motion detection is triggered, send the recorded video or
snapshot to the specific mail address.
FTP: When the motion detection is triggered, send the recorded video or
snapshot to the specific FTP site.
To set the mail account and FTP site, please refer to
Out1: When the motion detection is triggered, turn on the Digital Output 1.
Save to SD Card: When the motion detection is triggered, record the video or
snapshot into to the local SD card.
The subject of the E-mail will be sent.
This option provides two functions.
The interval time between multiple detections. For example, if the time set to
10 seconds, when the motion detection is triggered at time 10H:05M:10S, the
next detection will be accepted after 10H:05M:20S. The detections between
10H:05M:10S to 10H:05M:19S will not be accepted.
The interval time for the “Save to SD Card” action is equal to or longer
than 30 seconds.
If the “Out” is selected for the action, the Interval means “Digital Output On”
period. For example, if Interval set to 20 seconds, when the motion detection
is triggered, the Digital Output will be “On” and lasting for 20 seconds, and
then “Off” automatically.
Only Detect in Schedule Time:
Enable this option will automatic activate the motion
detection with scheduled time and stop the detection in the other time. Please refer to
page to setup the schedule time.
Recommendation of Motion Detection Area
To ensure the Motion Detection works well, and avoid unnecessary trigger, please
follow the rules to draw the Motion Detection Areas:
The moving object larger than the 50% of the Motion Detection Area, it will be
detected, and the Motion Detection is triggered.