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Solution #2:
The Network Encryption Key (NEK) may not be correct on your devices.
Reset the Network Encryption Key using the Factory Reset button located on the
bottom of your PL9670-Q2 device. This will reset the NEK back to the default of
Test your connection again. If this still does not work, perform the factory reset on all
of your other PL9670-Q2 devices in your network.
Solution #3:
It is possible some outlets in your home are not connect together.
Unplug the PL9670-Q2 from the current electrical outlet.
Locate another outlet in the home.
Plug the PL9670-Q2 into that outlet.
Attach a computer to the PL9670-Q2.
Open the Power Manager Utility (located on the enclosed CD).
Under the Profile button, check if your PL9670-Q2 is displayed (it Will be the first) and
see if your other PL9670-Q2 devices can be seen. If you can see other devices under
the Profile screen, your PL9670-Q2 device is functioning properly.
Solution #4:
Your broadband connection may have stopped working.
Power down your broadband router and/or DSL/cable modem (if applicable) for about
30 seconds and then power them back on.
If this step fails, please contact your ISP for assistance.