Operating Manual - Pema Protea Equipped Media Amplifier
Remote Control Functions:
The following functions within the Pema amplifier can be remotely controlled. A listing of the devices by which each
function can be controlled is shown below and explained in the following paragraphs:
Pema Function
Control Device(s)
• Power Switch Disable
• On/Off Remote Standby
Contact Closure, Protea
Software, Event Scheduler
• Remote Preset Recall
Software, Contact Closure, WR-2, WR-5,
neWR-5, Event Scheduler,
• Remote Gain Control
WR-1 DC Level Control, WR-5, neWR-5,
RD-8C, Event Scheduler, Protea
• Remote Channel Mute
WR-5, neWR-5, Event Scheduler, Protea
• Remote Zone Source Selection
WR-5, neWR-5, Event Scheduler
4.2a Power Switch Disable
When the power switch is turned off the amplifier is completely off, UNLESS the power switch has been disabled from
within Protea
software (Control Surface Tab), in which case the power switch on the amplifier has no effect at all. If the power
switch has been disabled from software, the Pema amplifier front panel DISABLE LED will be lit. Even if the AC power is
removed, the amplifier’s internal memory will maintain the <power switch disabled> status until changed again from Protea
software. Performing a factory reset will clear and restore all internal amplifier memory to factory settings.
4.2b On/Off/Remote Standby
Pema amplifiers have three possible power states, OFF, ON, and STANDBY, each with a status LED on the front panel.
Control for these states is managed by the following:
Remote Standby Contact Closure
- When the two Euroblock pins labeled "Remote Standby"on the back of the am-
plifier are wired to a switch and connected, the amplifier goes into Standby mode, whereby the amplifier is active but not fully
powered up. For remote standby to work, the power switch must be turned on OR be disabled through Protea
software. Open
the switch to remove the amp from remote standby mode.
neWR-5 Networked Programmable Remote Control