Operating Manual - Pema Protea Equipped Media Amplifier
5) Delay
- Speaker Delay at 48kHz sampling rate is
21mS, and Delay is
682mS. At 96kHz,
10mS and
6) Metering
- -60dBu to +20dBu display
7) Signal Generator
- Pink noise, White Noise, Sine Wave
Extensive online help information is available for all DSP blocks within the software. From within any DSP tool, simply
press <F1> on the keyboard for online help for that tool. Also look in the Protea
Software Help Menu/Contents and Index/
Contents/Protea NE Products/PE Multichannel Amplifiers/DSP Control for details of all DSP functions.
Input/Output Matrix Router
- Any input can be routed to any or all outputs. Click and drag from the input to output to
assign routing. For faster routing of a single input or output to multiple channels, highlight its node and then press Ctrl+Click
over the desired nodes to connect to. To delete a route or clear the matrix, right click on the routing line or node. Also, right
click anywhere in the matrix area to bring up a menu of common routing choices.
Output Matrix Mixer and Auto Mixer
- For a given amplifier output, all inputs that have been routed to that channel in
the matrix router are mixed together here.
This is also where individual channels can be selected as part of an automix group. The automixer function is a “gain-
sharing” type automixer which automatically makes smooth gain transitions on all selected automixer input channels to achieve
a constant total system gain.
It is designed primarily to automate the mixing of multiple speech microphones
to follow the
dynamic nature of the speech dialog and attenuate idle microphones. The automixer may also be used in conjunction with the
Autoleveler, Compressor or Gate on the input signal paths for more advanced control of varied input signal levels produced by
different talkers. A Feedback Suppressor function may also be used on the inputs to further help control feedback problems.
For a full description of automixer features and setup, read the online help by pressing F1 when in the output mixer window.
Output Mute Button
- Mutes the output.
Output Channel Name
- The user can name each output channel.
Output Channel Number
- Right click on this to bring up Clear, Copy, Link, and Sub Preset functions for that output
Pema DSP Output Channel Matrix Mixer and Automixer