Ashford Handicrafts Limited
Factory and Showroom: 415 West Street
PO Box 474, Ashburton 7700 New Zealand
Telephone 64 3 308 9087 Facsimile 64 3 308 8664
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Because the Kiwi 2 Super Flyer is bobbin lead, your yarn needs to be strong enough to turn the flyer.
- Place the drive belt in the inside wheel groove. This gives a 3.0:1 ratio.
- Loosen the leather brake so there is no tension on the flyer shaft.
- Tie a 1.5m (5’) leader to the bobbin; thread it through the flyer guides & out through the flyer orifice
with your finger.
- Start treadling slowly clockwise (60 RPM is ideal).
- Allow your prepared fibre to join onto the leader, then feed the spun yarn onto the bobbin.
- If your yarn kinks, is over twisted or won’t feed on, treadle slower, draft a thinner yarn and increase the
brake tension.
- If your yarn breaks, treadle faster, move the drive belt to the outside wheel groove, draft a thicker yarn,
reduce the brake tension, oil the bearings and apply a drop of oil between the leather brake band and
flyer shaft.
*To change back to the original flyer simply remove the bolt securing the maiden bar to the main upright,
swap the flyer units over, retighten and fit the original drive belt.
Refer to The Ashford Book of Hand Spinning for more spinning hints.
Happy spinning.
Spinning on the Kiwi 2 Super flyer
To make spinning easier
apply a drop of Ashford
Spinning Wheel Oil to
the flyer, bobbin and
conrod bearings.