Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure packetcable throttle
Configures the PacketCable throttling parameters.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure packetcable throttle {normal-threshold <1-1000> | yellow-threshold <1-10000> | red-threshold
This command throttles the number of packetcable messages that can be made in a 10 second period based on the System Control
Module (SCM) congestion status. This means in a normal system we will deny new phone calls if we are getting more than 12.5
connections per second when the SCM CPU is not congested, and 4.1 connections per second when we are in high congestion.
Note: The default thresholds for packetcable throttling are engineered to provide optimal service at scaling levels prescribed with
each CMTS software release. Consult ARRIS Technical Support before overriding these defaults.
Maximum number of messages allowed during a 10 second period when system CPU is in a normal condition (e.g. no congestion).
The default value is set for 125.
Maximum number of messages allowed during a 10 second period when system CPU is in a moderate congestion condition. The
default value is set for 125.
red-threshold <1-
Maximum number of messages allowed during a 10 second period when system CPU is in a high congestion condition. The default
value is set for 41.