Output Checkout
The output checkout is to ensure that the power supply develops its rated outputs and
properly responds to various operations. Specific steps are shown as followings:
Voltage Output Checkout
1. Turn on the power supply.
Press the “Power-on” button, and finish the power-on checkout. Usually
the power supply will go into the power-on / reset state automatically.
“OFF” will be shown in the lower right corner of the display and both the
output voltage and current are 0.
2. Enable the outputs.
Press the “OUT on/off” button to turn on the power supply outputs. Now
the display is in monitor mode; the “CV” or “ON” annunciator in the
lower right corner of the display is lit. At the same time a 5-digit voltage
meter and a 5-digit current meter are displayed, respectively showing the
actual value of output voltage and current of the power supply.
3. Check if the voltmeter properly responds to knob control on front
panel for the supply.
Knob Checkout
When the power supply output is on and the display is in monitor mode,
move the blinking digit to voltage value displayed by pressing the key
“Left”. Turn the knob clockwise or counter clockwise to check that the
voltmeter responds to knob control to increase or decrease and the
ammeter indicates nearly zero.
Key Checkout
When the power supply output is on and the display is in monitor mode,
press key “VSET”, the voltage setting value in the LCD will blink. Press
the number keys on front panel directly to set voltage value needed.
Then press “Enter” to verify and finish setting and go back to monitor
mode. This process is to check that the voltage value displayed responds
to the key operation correctly.
4 Check if the voltage can be adjusted from zero to the maximum rated
Adjust the knob until the voltmeter indicates 0V and then adjust the knob
gradually until the voltmeter indicates the maximum rated value with the
method explained in last step. At the same time check if the voltmeter
and output voltage changes as voltage changes.