background image





The flashlight has 5 types of modes (PREDATOR XPG2 R5, for example):


Constant light

 – 6 to 670 LED lumens



 – 3 types of micromodes: 0.1lm/130 days, 0.5lm/75 days, 1.5lm/40 days



 – blinking light with a frequency of 1 to 50 Hz



 – distress signal (flashes at 70% of maximum brightness according to Morse code), up to 





 – flashes once every 7 seconds at 10% of maximum brightness, up to 40 days.

Types of stabilization: 

full stabilization (FULL), simple semi-stabilization (SEMI), stepped stabilization (STEP).

The flashlight has 2 mode lines 

(by Military factory preset):


First Line

: 670lm 




108lm / 




Second Line

: Strobe 15Hz 


 Firefly1.5lm / 



There are 

2 factory presets and 1 user's preset

 (Military preset is activated by default):




First Line: 670 lm 





 108lm / 



Second Line: Strobe 15Hz 


 Firefly 1.5lm / 






First Line: 540lm 




lm / 



Second Line: Strobe 15Hz 







 Firefly 1.5lm / 





. All your settings of the flashlight can be saved in this preset.

First Line and Brightness Settings

Setting up the brightness in the First Line:

 any mode from the First Line can be set up in the following way (the runtime 

showed for a fully charged battery 18650 Li-Ion 3100mAh):



Firefly 0.1lm – 130 days       



Firefly 0.5lm – 75 days      



Firefly 1.5lm – 40 days     



Constant light: 6-670 lumens. 

Advice: if you are planning to change the brightness of more than one mode, we recommend turning off the function of automemorization of 
modes. In this case you will find it easier to figure out which mode you are setting up, because when the automemorization function is off the 
flashlight will always be turned on in the first mode, and it would be easy to find the needed mode. 

Before the setup, switch the flashlight to the mode for which you are planning to adjust the brightness and do the following.

Entering the Brightness Setup:

 hold the head of the flashlight with your left hand.

1. With your right hand turn the body of the flashlight to 1/8..1/4 (of the full turn) counter-clockwise. Wait until the switch to 

the second line (approx. 1 second).

2. Quickly (within 3 seconds):


With your right hand turn the body of the flashlight clockwise until the maximum.


Turn the flashlight off/on with a full pressing.

Immediately after entering the Brightness Setup the flashlight will begin demonstrating 3 micromodes one after the other: 0.1lm, 
0.5lm, 1.5lm. Then, within approximately 40 seconds, a gradual increase in brightness will take place. In the meantime, the flashlight 
will pause (with a double blink) at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% brightness. Then it will again demonstrate the 3 micromodes followed 
by a gradual increase in brightness. This cycle will repeat until you leave the mode of Brightness Setup.

While the flashlight is in the mode of micromode demonstration and increase of brightness the following actions are available:


The increase in brightness from the beginning. 

A quick (within 1 second) switching off and on of the flashlight with a 

full pressing: the flashlight will increase brightness from the beginning.



Turn the body of the flashlight with your right hand to 1/8..1/4 (of the full turn) counter-clockwise: the flashlight 

will pause to enable you to evaluate if the current level of brightness suits you. Following that, rotating the body of the 
flashlight to the maximum will continue the cycle of increasing brightness and the demonstration of micromodes.


Exiting with memorizing. 

Quickly (within 1 second):


With your right hand turn the body of the flashlight to 1/8..1/4 (of the full turn) counter-clockwise.


With your right hand turn the body of the flashlight clockwise to the maximum.


Exiting without memorizing. 

At any time, turn the flashlight off. The modes will remain the same as they were before 

entering the mode of Brightness Settings.

The structure of Setup Menu

Item 1. Mode Selection and Setting


Constant light: 3 types of Firefly or any brightness from 1 to 100%

Submenu: brightness setup


Strobe – frequent blinking at a defined frequency

Submenu: setup of strobe frequency


Beacon – 1 flash every few seconds


SOS – distress signal using the Morse code

Item 2. Reset to Factory Defaults and Custom Preset Saving

1. Military - by default
2. Outdoor
3. Custom

Item 3. Selection the power source

1. Two CR123A 3V (lithium batteries, minimum voltage 2V)
2. One 18650 Li-Ion 3.7V (Li-Ion rechargeable battery, minimum voltage 2.8V) - by default
3. Two R123 Li-Ion 3.7V (Li-Ion rechargeable batteries, minimum voltage 5.6V)
4. One 18650 LiFePO4 3.2V (LiFePO4 rechargeable battery, minimum voltage 2.5V)

Item 4. Setting up the First Line

1. Selection the number of modes

1) 1 mode
2) 2 modes etc.

2. Selection the method of automemorization the last mode

1) Turn automemorization on - by default
2) Turn automemorization off

3. Selection the type of stabilization

1) FULL. Full stabilization on all modes and types of power source - by default
2) SEMI. Simple semi-stabilization
3) STEP. Stepped stabilization

Item 5. Setting up the Second Line

1. Selection the number of modes

1) 1 mode
2) 2 modes etc.

2. Selection the method of automemorization the last mode

1) Turn automemorization on - by default
2) Turn automemorization off

3. Selection the type of stabilization

1) FULL. Full stabilization on all modes and types of power source
2) SEMI. Simple semi-stabilization - by default




Second Line and Setup Menu

Important notice: the access to the Setup Menu is only possible from the Second Line.

Entering the Setup Menu: 

before this procedure, the flashlight must be turned on in any mode of the Second Line.

1. Hold the head of the flashlight with your left hand.
2. With your right hand turn the body of the flashlight clockwise to the maximum. Wait until the switch to the First Line (approx. 

1 second).

3. Quickly (within 3 seconds):


With your right hand turn the body of the flashlight to 1/8..1/4 (of the full turn) counter-clockwise.


Turn the flashlight off/on with a full pressing of the button.

Indication in the Setup Menu: 

after accessing the menu the flashlight will indicate cyclically the number of the current item or 

the option number using blinking indication. For example, if the flashlight flashes 3 times, then this is item #3 or option #3.

Transition between Setup Menu items: 

quickly (within 1 second) switch the flashlight off/on with a full pressing of the button.

Confirming the choice in Setup Menu: 

hold the head of the flashlight with your left hand. Quickly (within 1 second):

1. With your right hand, turn the body of the flashlight clockwise to the maximum.
2. With your right hand, turn the body of the flashlight to 1/8..1/4 (of the full turn) counter-clockwise.

Exiting the Setup Menu without memorizing the choice: 

turn off the flashlight with the button (this way, the modes and the 

settings will stay the same as before accessing the Setup Menu).

Item 1. Mode Selection and Setting. 

This menu enables the selection for following mode types of the Second Line.
Important notice: Before accessing the menu the flashlight must be in the exact mode you are planning to change.

For access to the menu perform the procedure of entering the Setup Menu, if you haven't accessed it yet. If you have done everything 
correctly, you will see that the flashlight is blinking once – that means you are in Item #1. In order to choose it, perform the procedure 
of confirming the choice in the Setup Menu. Following that, the flashlight will begin shuffling options of Item #1. Initially, you will see a 
constant light, then a stroboscope, then a Beacon (quick flash), and then the SOS signal. Then it starts all over again. 
If you decided to choose one of these modes, perform the procedure of confirming the choice in the Setup Menu. Following that:


If you chose Beacon or SOS – the flashlight will save this choice and will exit the Setup Menu.


If you chose a constant light, you will see how the flashlight switches on three micromodes one by one, and then increases 

brightness gradually from 1 to 100%. While increasing brightness, the flashlight blinks twice at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% 
brightness. In order to memorize either the micromodes or the required level of brightness – perform the procedure of 
confirming the choice in the Setup Menu. The flashlight will save this choice and will exit the Setup Menu.


If you chose the Strobe (stroboscope), the flashlight will shift to the stroboscope mode and will start gradually increasing its 

frequency. In order to memorize your preferred frequency, perform the procedure of confirming the choice in the Setup 
Menu. The flashlight will save this choice and will exit the Setup Menu.

Advice: if you are tired of waiting for the flashlight to increase its brightness or the frequency of the stroboscope, you can restart the 
process at any time. To do that, perform the procedure of transition between Menu items.

Advice: if you want to stop the change of micromodes or the increase in brightness  or the frequency of the stroboscope and 
examine it better, turn the body of the flashlight with your right hand clockwise until the maximum. Actual demonstration will stop. To 
restart, turn the body of the flashlight with your right hand to 1/8..1/4 (of the full turn) counter-clockwise.


Armytek Predator looks like very complicated flashlight with impressive possibilities. Is it hard to operate this flashlight? 


This flashlight has easy manipulation of modes as an ordinary flashlight. If you don't want to change default settings – you can use 

ArmyTek Predator immediately, because it is ready after preparing on the factory. Additionally it has the possibility of full settings ability 
to fit your needs: many parameters can be changed - the brightness, the number of modes, the strobe frequency, the battery type, the 
type of brightness stabilization, the type of automemorization etc. Analogy: would you like to adjust some things like a seat position, a 
steering wheel angle and an air-conditioner mode to your individual requirements in your complicated car before actual driving?


 What is meant by the FULL stabilization of the LED current from one18650 Li-Ion battery and why that is important? In other 

flashlights it's also written "digitally regulated output", "digital current control", "constant brightness", "microcontroller current 
control", "constant LED current" from one 18650 battery.


Armytek flashlight uses the buck-boost driver, which is the one that ensures the even stabilization graph at the maximum brightness 

at the entire range of battery voltage, unlike simple buck drivers in all other flashlights, where the brightness falls with time. Analogy: 
would you like a car with an engine that gives 500hp only during the first three minutes?


But in other flashlights with one 18650 battery the graph also looks rectangular, flat. Does that also mean a full stabilization?


 No. This is not a full stabilization. In most such cases the LED current is not the maximum possible, but less. When the LED current is 

lower, it makes a vision that brightness is almost constant. That means that the credit for the flat stabilization and constant 
brightness at the start of runtime belongs not to the developers of the flashlight with the buck driver, but to the creators of Cree 
LED, for example. Analogy: visually many cars have 4 wheels, but four-wheel drive (4x4, or 4WD, or Quattro) with full control of all 
wheels is for off-road, sport and military vehicles, powering all four wheels provides better control than normal cars on many 


 If a higher LED current is in the same flashlight, for example 1.5A instead of 1A, then buck drivers will have a very small horizontal 

section, or maybe even none? But the manufacturers of such flashlights are writing about a digital regulated output, providing a 
constant brightness.


 If a higher LED current is supplied, the fall in the brightness becomes noticeable, and could easily start in the first minutes of the 

flashlight's operation. This is connected to the increased fall in voltage at the LED at a high current flowing through it becomes equal 
to the battery's voltage substantially faster, which is forced to supply a significant current under the load. Unlike the buck drivers, the 
electronics in the Predator allows the maintenance of the LED current during the entire time at the maximum, for instance, at 1.5 
amperes. Regarding the statements of other manufacturers and their conformity to the real situation, you will need to address the 
questions to the manufacturers themselves. Analogy: would you like a car whose speed fell as the level of petrol in the tank is lower 
and lower? 


Why is there an electronic protection from incorrect battery installation in the Predator, while others only have a mechanical one or 

none at all?


The easiest option is not to create an electronic protection, because it reduces the efficiency by 5-6%, or to make a mechanical one, 

but then it    would be impossible to use the rechargeable batteries with a flat “+” contact. In the Predator, expensive electronic 
components are used, which create a minimal decreasing in efficiency, but then the reliability of the protection is significantly higher 
and allows any type of power source. Then you can safely (without driver damaging) install battery in a wrong position and use 
batteries with a flat “+” contact. Analogy: would you like a car without air-conditioner which brings a little higher fuel consumption and 
much better comfort cooling when you are driving



It is believed that the efficiency coefficient of a buck driver is higher than that of a buck-boost driver. How long does the Predator 

work? Especially with the electronic protection from incorrect battery installation. 


 The components and the electronic technology permits not only a full stabilization of the LED current at the entire range of battery 

voltage, but also a high efficiency of the driver, which is not lower than the efficiency of the buck driver, and even higher. It is sufficient 
to compare operating times at identical modes. You must not forget that high levels of efficiency coefficient of the lowering drivers 
exist at the stage where the light output is falling, essentially not stabilizing. Analogy: modern well made four-wheel drive cars (4x4, 
or 4WD, or Quattro) with full control of all wheels have lower fuel consumption than some cars without this kind of technology, it 
depends on level of development and realization.


Why does the Predator permit the use of the 18650 Li-Ion rechargeable batteries without the protection board (PCB), and even 

LiFePO4? Can't they be used in other, similar flashlights?


 Other flashlights normally use buck drivers, in which the discharge of the battery is not fully controlled, so their electronics essentially 

kills the batteries, discharging them below the permitted level, if they are not removed on time. In the Predator the process of control 
over the power and stabilization does not stop, it is continuous. So the flashlight will know when it can no longer discharge the power 
source in use and that it must be replaced, correspondingly signalling about it for battery safety. Battery voltage for 18650 LiFePO4 
is lower than Li-Ion batteries and then ordinary flashlight with buck driver will have low light output or do not switch on at all. Analogy: 
for your safety the modern cars use many electronic sensors for damage protection of an engine or a break system, this control is 
continuous. Would you like a car without this kind of sensors?


Why does the Predator only work 1.5 hours while the other flashlights are working about 3-4 hours?


These flashlights are working on completely different brightness modes with lower LED currents and without a full stabilization. If 

instead of the Military preset the Outdoor preset is chosen (in the Predator), the time of operation will also significantly increase, but 
this is due to the fact that the brightness of the flashlight will be falling gradually with semi-stabilization (SEMI), what happens in the 
flashlights with simple buck drivers. You have the right to choose with the Predator the time of operation, the number of modes, and 
their brightness. The flashlight completely sets up to fit your needs. Often the users make all settings once only (at the beginning) and 
after that use this flashlight with modes and tunings which are better for their tasks. Analogy: would you like to choose in your car a 
type of mode for automatic gearbox like "Sport", "Winter" or "City", that will bring different fuel consumption, safety and driving style?

Item 2. Reset to Factory Defaults and Custom Preset Saving.

This menu enables you to restore all settings of the flashlight, having chosen one of the manufacturer's presets (Military, Outdoor) or the 
user's Custom preset. Also in that menu you can save the flashlight's present settings in the user's Custom preset, so that you could 
easily return to them later (for example, after using the Military or the Outdoor preset).

Important notice: All presets accessible by the user can be saved and restores.

For access to the menu perform the procedure of entering the Setup Menu, if you haven't accessed it yet. Then perform the procedure 
transitioning between Menu items. If you did everything correctly, then you will see the flashlight blink twice – that means you are in item 
#2. In order to choose it, perform the procedure of confirming the choice in the Menu. After that, the flashlight will start shuffling options 
of item #2. First you will see it blink once (Military), then twice (Outdoor), then 3 times (Custom). Then it restarts, once the first time, etc. 
If you decided to restore any settings (Military, Outdoor or Custom) – wait for the necessary menu item and perform the procedure of 
confirming the choice in the Setup Menu. The flashlight will load these settings and will exit the Setup Menu.

If you want to save the current settings of the flashlight into user's Custom preset, then during shuffling options of item #2 perform the 
procedure of transition between Menu items. The flashlight will save current settings in the Custom preset and will stay in item #2.

Item 3. Selection the power source.

The installation of the power source is necessary for a correct indication of a low battery and for the safe use of rechargeable batteries, 
which have no electronic protection from a charge below permitted voltage. The flashlight permits the use of unprotected Li-Ion 
rechargeable batteries, which have a high capacity due to an absence of loss in the protection circuit board and are usually cheaper. 
Also, LiFePO4 batteries can work with high currents. 

For access to the menu perform the procedure of entering the Setup Menu, if you haven't accessed it yet. Perform the procedure of 
transition between menu items as many times as necessary, until you reach item #3 in the Setup Menu. If you did everything correctly, 
you will see the flashlight blink three times, which means you are in item #3. To choose it, perform the procedure of confirming the choice 
of the Setup Menu. Following that the flashlight will begin shuffling the options of item #3. First you will see it blink once (2xCR123A), then 
twice (1x18650), then three times (2xR123), then 4 times (1x18650 LiFePO4). Then it starts again, once, twice, etc.

If you decided to choose any type of power source, wait until the necessary menu option and perform the procedure of confirmation of 
the Setup Menu choice. The flashlight will memorize this type of power source and will exit the Setup Menu. 

Item 4. Setting up the First Line.

In this menu you can: set the number of modes of the First Line (maximum of 10); turn on or off the automemorization of modes in the 
First Line; choose the type of stabilization for the modes in the First Line.

Important notice: Every additional mode is placed in the back of the list. When subtracting modes, they are removed from the end of the list.

For access to the menu perform the procedure of entering the Setup Menu, if you haven't accessed it yet. Then perform the procedure of 
transitioning between Menu items enough times to reach item #4 in the Setup Menu. If you did everything correctly you will see the 
flashlight blink four times – that means you are in item #4. In order to choose it – perform the procedure of confirming the choice in the 
Menu. Following that, the flashlight will start shuffling options of item #4. First you will see it blink once (choosing the number of modes), 
then twice (choosing the method of automemorizing), then three times (choosing the type of stabilization). Then it starts all over again, 
once, twice etc. Wait until the menu item that you need ad perform the procedure of confirming the choice in the Menu. If you chose item:

1. Selection the number of modes.

The flashlight will start blinking (from 1 to 10), showing you the number of modes which you can save. Having reached the 
needed number of modes, perform the procedure of confirming the Menu choice. The flashlight will save the number of modes 
for the First Line and will exit the Setup Menu.

Advice: If you are tired of waiting for the flashlight to increase the number of modes, or if you missed the necessary number, at 
any time you can restart the process. For that, perform the procedure of transitioning between Menu items.

2. Selection the method of automemorization the last mode.

The flashlight will start blinking once (turn automemorization on) or twice (turn automemorization off). Having reached the 
necessary function, perform the procedure of confirming the choice in the Menu. The flashlight will save the chosen state of 
automemorization and will exit the Setup Menu.

Advice: If you are going to set up a large number of modes, then for your convenience it is better to turn automemorization off, so 
that the flashlight always turned on at the first mode. Or if you always need to turn the flashlight on from the first mode in the 
Line (for example, because you don't want to remember what was the last mode, when you turned the flashlight off).

Advice: you can turn automemorization off for one or both Lines. For example: if in the First Line you set up mode #1 of a 
maximum or medium brightness, and in the Second Line mode #1, micromode 0.5lm, then when the flashlight is turned on with 
the head screwed on tightly, you will always have the mode of brightness the most frequently used, while an unscrewed head will 
give you a micromode which will not bother anyone at night with its brightness. You, however, will be able to turn on the given 
modes with just a simple twist of the flashlight's head before turning it on. 

3. Selection the type of stabilization.

The flashlight will start blinking once (FULL), twice (SEMI) or three (STEP) times. Having reached the needed type of stabilization, 
perform the procedure of confirming the choice of Menu. The flashlight will save the selected type of stabilization and will exit the 
Setup Menu.

Important notice: the use of an innovative scheme and quality components enables this flashlight to shine at a constant 
brightness regardless of the power of the mode, duration, degree of battery discharge and its type. Also, besides the full 
stabilization (FULL) you can choose the simplest semi-stabilization (SEMI), which lasts longer, but with it the brightness of the 
flashlight gradually falls. You can also choose the stepped stabilization (STEP), where the brightness of the flashlight will 
decrease, not gradually, but step-by-step, as was shown in the graphs. 

Item 5. Setting up the Second Line

In this menu you can: set the number of modes of the Second Line (maximum of 5); turn on or off the automemorization of modes in the 
Second Line; choose the type of stabilization for the modes in the Second Line.
Important notice: Every additional mode is placed in the back of the list. When subtracting modes, they are removed from the end of the list.
The order of the setup is identical to the order of thee setup of the First Line. The only exception is that it is necessary to wait until menu item 
#5, not #4. Other distinctions for the Second Line: the maximum number of modes is 5, not 10; the options by factory default are different.

Advanced Settings
