Subject to change · V 0.1 · 02.2020 · EN
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5. About this product
Performance specification
The off-line filter unit FNAPC 045 is a stationary filter unit for filtration of hydraulic fluids and lubricants with a viscosity of 15 mm
- 250 mm
/s (in continuous operation).
A separate installation in the bypass or cooling circuit for fine filtration and discharge of the full flow filter is just as possible as the
filtration of fresh oil and the cleaning (flushing) of polluted systems for wear protection of components and systems.
The volume flow is 45 l/min (50 Hz) and 54 l/min (60 Hz) respectively.
The operating temperature is in the range of 0 °C to 65 °C.
Device description
The off-line filter unit FNAPC1 045 consists of an electrically operated filter pump with exchangeable filter element and may be
equipped with an electrical or optical clogging indicator (12). The unit is equipped with a measuring block consisting of two sensors
for monitoring the oil condition:
OPCom - optical particle monitor (4) for continuous measurement of oil contamination with solid particles and
LubCos H2O (FNAPC 045 Version H) (5) - sensor for continuous measurement of relative humidity and temperature of oil or
LubCos H2O+II (FNAPC 045 Version HC) (5) - sensor for continuous determination of oil condition, humidity and temperature
The unit is equipped with a rotary switch (9) which can be used to switch between the basic operating modes: "Filtering" and
"Pump over without filtering".
The control box of the pump motor is used to connect the power supply.
The suction hose can be connected to the suction port (14) of the pump and the pressure hose to the outlet (8) of the main filter.
The unit is equipped with a suction strainer (13) which can be cleaned or replaced if necessary. An additional protective filter (15) is
installed in the line connecting main block and sensor manifold.
Component overview
1 Pump block
6 Filter cover with ventilating valve
11 Measuring point "before filter"
2 Gerotor pump
7 Filter housing with filter element
12 Filter element clogging indicator
3 Electric motor
8 Outlet port G1"
13 Suction filter
4 OPCom particle monitor
9 Switching valve
14 Inlet port G1 1/4"
5 LubCos sensor
10 Measuring point "after filter"
15 Protective strainer for sensor block
Fig. 1: Component overview