17. Apply red Loctite #271 to the first cap screw secur-
ing the sprocket and tab washer to the camshaft; then
install the cap screw and tab washer. Tighten cap
screw only until snug.
18. Rotate the crankshaft until the second cap screw
securing the sprocket to the camshaft can be
installed; then install the cap screw (threads coated
with red Loctite #271). Tighten to 11 ft-lb; then bend
the tab to secure the cap screw.
19. Rotate the crankshaft until the first cap screw (from
step 17) securing the sprocket to the camshaft can be
addressed; then tighten to 11 ft-lb. Bend the tab to
secure the cap screw.
20. Install the cylinder head plug with the cupped end
facing the camshaft and the opening directed down-
21. Remove the cap screw from the end of the chain ten-
sioner. Account for the plunger, spring, and gasket.
22. Depress the spring-loaded lock and push the plunger
into the tensioner.
23. Place the cam chain tensioner assembly and gasket
into the cylinder making sure the ratchet side is fac-
ing toward the top of the cylinder and secure with the
two cap screws.
24. Install the cap screw and spring into the end of the
cam chain tensioner. Tighten securely.
Care must be taken that the tab washer is installed cor-
rectly to cover the alignment hole on the sprocket. If the
alignment pin falls out, severe engine damage will