December ’05 Printed in Japan (TK) 19
This vehicle has been designed and produced utilizing Suzuki’s most modern tech-
nology. The finest product, however, cannot perform properly unless it is correctly
assembled and serviced. This set-up manual has been produced to aid you in prop-
erly assembling and servicing this vehicle.
Please review this set-up manual carefully before performing any work. Take spe-
cial care to properly perform the required assembly and servicing marked by either
a Warning or a Caution. Failure to follow the directions in either of these two (2) cat-
egories could lead to serious problems.
are denoted to emphasize certain areas and carry the following meanings:
Indicates a potential hazard that could result in death or injury.
Indicates a potential hazard that could result in vehicle damage.
This set-up manual is based on a vehicle of standard specification. Some minor dif-
ferences from this manual may be found in other specifications.