Content of precious materials and metals
There are no precious materials and metals in the ARCANE device.
Repair of the Device is carried out at the manufacturer at the address: 125319, Moscow, ul. Usievich, 5;
tel./fax: (495) 223-62-22, 974-90-77.
Transportation and storage
The device in a packed form can be transported by all means of transport at temperatures from -40 ° С to
+50 ° С and relative humidity up to 80% at +25° С.
The container with the device on vehicles must be secured to prevent movement and collisions. Dropping
is not allowed.
The Product should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated warehouse, away from heating appliances with the
absence of acid, alkali and other atmospheric impurities in the air.
Storage conditions:
- temperature range from + 1 to + 40° С;
- relative humidity (at a temperature of + 25° C) no more than 80%;
- atmospheric pressure 740 ± 40mm Hg
Manufacturer's warranty
The warranty period for the Product is 24 months from the date of sale.
Warranties do not cover defects arising from violations of the rules of handling, maintenance, storage and
Opening the Product and disassembling its component parts deprives the consumer of the right to free
warranty service.
After the expiration of the warranty period, the manufacturer provides a paid supply of spare parts and
accessories. The composition of spare parts and the terms of their delivery during the service life of the
device must be specified in the contract (agreement).
Warranty obligations for ARCANE apply only when the consumer submits this user manual with the
manufacturer's mark of sale, certified by the official round seal of the manufacturer.
Used power supplies and batteries are hazardous waste and are subject to
disposal by licensed organizations (Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste").
The device without a battery does not contain dangerous or toxic substances that can harm human health
or the environment and does not pose a danger to life, human health and the environment. At the end of
its service life, its disposal can be carried out according to the rules for the disposal of general industrial